Tuesday, February 9, 2010

GIST 34-38

1. Reading half of my new book ( A Reliable Wife )
2. Left-overs for lunch
3. Getting a birthday gift for a friend that I know she loved
4. Seeing " Finding Nemo" on Ice with the girls and my mom
5. Sitting front row and center for the show

1. Having the house cleaned before 10:30 and then being lazy for awhile
2. Catching up on some of my DVR shows
3. My sitter for watching the girls so John and I could have another date night
4. Kindergarten meeting for Carly
5. Drinks and good music with friends

1. Finishing my book
2. Getting the running around before picking everyone up
3. Hearing Jordan got "second honors" at school for her grades
4. Having a pizza and wine night with family
5. Seeing Carly and Reese play with their cousins while the adults talked

1. Getting the driveway shovled all by myself
2. Knowing that Nicole had a beautiful baby shower and loved everything we got her
3. Coming home to a huge welcome party from the girls ( they missed me )
4. Getting everyone to take a nap at the same time
5. A lazy afternoon that turned into evening

1. Spending the day at my moms
2. Playing lots of games with Carly and grandma
3. Home and ready for Sunday night early
4. The Colts losing ( now Nicole can name the baby Payton )
5. Big Love ( I just love this show )

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