Friday, February 26, 2010


1. Job interview
2. Seeing an old friend I haven't seen in a long time
3. Picking out cute fabric for the rocking chair cover I am making for Nicole
4. Having lunch with Nicole and hearing all about how well Peyton is doing
5. A family birthday party


1. Starting a really good book that I have always wanted to read but was unsure about
2. Getting a job interview and finding out a really good friend works at the company
3. Dinner with the whole family at a restaurant
4. It staying lighter later
5. Going to bed before 10:00


1. Getting a call about a possible job
2. Pedicure and Manicure with my girlfriends
3. Seeing pictures of Peyton
4. Dinner and good conversation with the girls
5. A group of older gentleman singing to us after dinner

Monday, February 22, 2010


1. Getting everyone where they needed to be and to work on time in the snow
2. Hearing Baby Peyton is eating from a bottle
3. Reading an entire book in one day ( always wanted to do that, even if it was only 200 pages )
4. A nice dinner with the family when I got home from a long day
5. Seeing Valentine's Day with Amanda ( last week, just didn't get to list it )

MIA Gist list last week

Last week was a very emotional week for me. My very good friend Nicole had her baby girl 5 weeks early and I had been on pin and needles all week hoping and praying that her and the baby would be ok.
Tuesday night we always get together, but when I got a call from her telling me she had to cancel because she was not feeling well and the doctor wanted her to go to the hospital for some test I got extremely worried. Emotions started running wild for me. I knew she still had 5 weeks, I knew she was worried about other things, and I knew that they weren't all ready at home for the baby yet. So I became a friend who wanted to help every way I could, but what could I really do. Buster did a great job keeping me informed, but come Wednesday they decided it was time for Nicole's well-being to take the baby. 5 hours after being induced Peyton Anne Garrett was born, 4 lbs 8 ozs, 18.5 in. Baby and mother are doing great. Peyton is in the NICU at Toledo Hospital for about 2 more weeks; Nicole came home yesterday and is doing much better. She goes to the hospital 2 or 3 times a day. The baby is finally starting to take breast milk and getting stronger by the day. This time with her in the hospital gives Nicole a chance to get back to 100% before Peyton comes home.
I have a short list of things I have been grateful for last week, but it was a rough week and all my thoughts and emotions were on Nicole and her new family. I will be putting them into this weeks list.
I can not even imagine what Nicole is going through. I have been blessed to have 3 very easy pregnancies and births. Reese was in the NICU for one day and I was a mess, but she was healthy and not so small. Nicole is going to be a great mom and I can't wait to met this precious little girl who came into the world early and is fighting so hard. ( She is going to be a strong one )

Sunday, February 14, 2010


1. Sleeping in with John ( rough night for both of us )
2. A funny text from the couple we went out with last night
3. Getting the painting project done at my mom's ( looks awesome )
4. My favorite dinner casserole
5. A nice relaxing Sunday night


1. Re-arranging the house for the new furniture
2. Two hours of quiet time
3. Going out with another couple
4. Getting to see the suite area at the new Lucas County Areana
5. Going dancing

Saturday, February 13, 2010


1. Jordan waking up early to give Carly a bath ( on her day off school )
2. Carly's Valentine's box getting the "most creative" award
3. Painting ( I love doing it, just wish I could get the whole "cut-in" down )
4. Dinner with my mom and girls
5. Going to bed and asleep before 9:30

Thursday, February 11, 2010


1. Having a day off to do what I needed to get done
2. Finishing Carly's Valentine's Box. ( super cute, picture coming soon )
3. A girls night at my house
4. Coffee ( love it any time throughout the day )
5. The weekend coming up ( going to be fun filled )

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


1. Finishing another good book
2. A safe drive this morning
3. A quiet day
4. Dinner with just the girls
5. Getting Carly's valentine's done ( box is taking a little bit longer but super cute )

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


1. Getting to the grocery store before 9:30
2. Shoveling the driveway why the girls played in the snow
3. Making mini brownies with peanut butter cups in middle ( Thanks Steffany, they are to die for )
4. A new chicken recipe that turned out wonderful
5. Movie night with the family


1. Starting another new book ( o how I love to read )
2. A light day at work
3. Having good adult talk while the girls dance
4. A nice dinner as soon as we got home
5. A early night to bed

GIST 34-38

1. Reading half of my new book ( A Reliable Wife )
2. Left-overs for lunch
3. Getting a birthday gift for a friend that I know she loved
4. Seeing " Finding Nemo" on Ice with the girls and my mom
5. Sitting front row and center for the show

1. Having the house cleaned before 10:30 and then being lazy for awhile
2. Catching up on some of my DVR shows
3. My sitter for watching the girls so John and I could have another date night
4. Kindergarten meeting for Carly
5. Drinks and good music with friends

1. Finishing my book
2. Getting the running around before picking everyone up
3. Hearing Jordan got "second honors" at school for her grades
4. Having a pizza and wine night with family
5. Seeing Carly and Reese play with their cousins while the adults talked

1. Getting the driveway shovled all by myself
2. Knowing that Nicole had a beautiful baby shower and loved everything we got her
3. Coming home to a huge welcome party from the girls ( they missed me )
4. Getting everyone to take a nap at the same time
5. A lazy afternoon that turned into evening

1. Spending the day at my moms
2. Playing lots of games with Carly and grandma
3. Home and ready for Sunday night early
4. The Colts losing ( now Nicole can name the baby Payton )
5. Big Love ( I just love this show )

GIST 29-33

Ok, a long time waiting, but I have been writing them done so here are all the GIST that I have missed. (5 at a time)

1. Working with husband
2. John giving me some extra cash to get some new jeans
3. A quick shopping stop (for the new jeans)
4. Seeing some really great friends
5. Knowing everything in life will work out

1. Sleeping in to 10:30. (thanks John)
2. John taking the van in early to get aligned
3. Saturday morning breakfast made just for me
4. an afternoon nap
5. Candlelight dinner with John

1. My new pick-a-boo diamond ring (picture to come soon)
2. Watching a movie with John with no interuptions
3. My mom watching the girls so John and I could have a date night
4. Dress shopping with Jordan
5. Both John and I cleaning house as a team

1. Seeing my 10 month old nephew walk and be so happy he did it
2. The girls spending the day with grandma and baby Lenon
3. Getting the girls to dance early ( a challenge every Monday )
4. Seeing Carly in her dance costume and performing the dance ( picture to come soon )
5. My crockpot ( an everyday Monday thing now )

1. Having the house to myself for a couple hours
2. Going to the mall to look for some more dresses for Jordan with my mom
3. Lunch with my mom
4. Finding some really cute dresses for Jordan without her with me ( only liked 1 of the 4 )
5. Tuesday night coffee talk with Nicole and Amanda

Sunday, February 7, 2010


I promise my GIST is coming soon. I have recorded all dates and have them ready to go. Was a very busy week, but will be posted soon. I hope you all enjoy them! ( again stay tuned)

Saturday, February 6, 2010

My first posted award!

I was given this "Beautiful Blogger Award" by Sassy. Thank You so much, this is my first award that I am posting. ( I was mentioned for one a long time ago, but still getting use to this blogging )

The Rules:1.

1. Thank the person who nominated me for this award. DONE.
2. Copy the award & place it on my blog. DONE.
3. Link to the person who nominated me for this award. DONE.
4. Share 7 interesting things about myself. DONE.
5. Nominate 7 bloggers. I DON'T HAVE 7 - SORRY.

(7) interesting things about myself:

1. I have a great relationship with my oldest daughter's father and his wife.
2. I have been with my husband for 8 wonderful years but only been married for a year and a half. (we did things backwards)
3. I really try to be organized but always seem to fall short
4. I do not feel like I am 33.
5. I am so proud of my oldest daughter. I tell her all the time, but I just can't express how much
6. I love my life
7. I have a small circle of friends, but they all mean so much to me and I am so thankful to have each one of them in my life.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

GIST 29, 30,31,32,33,34

I have all of these GIST down and ready to post, but have a few pictures that I want to post with them, so I am trying to figure out how to do that. They will be coming soon!