Tuesday, February 9, 2010

GIST 29-33

Ok, a long time waiting, but I have been writing them done so here are all the GIST that I have missed. (5 at a time)

1. Working with husband
2. John giving me some extra cash to get some new jeans
3. A quick shopping stop (for the new jeans)
4. Seeing some really great friends
5. Knowing everything in life will work out

1. Sleeping in to 10:30. (thanks John)
2. John taking the van in early to get aligned
3. Saturday morning breakfast made just for me
4. an afternoon nap
5. Candlelight dinner with John

1. My new pick-a-boo diamond ring (picture to come soon)
2. Watching a movie with John with no interuptions
3. My mom watching the girls so John and I could have a date night
4. Dress shopping with Jordan
5. Both John and I cleaning house as a team

1. Seeing my 10 month old nephew walk and be so happy he did it
2. The girls spending the day with grandma and baby Lenon
3. Getting the girls to dance early ( a challenge every Monday )
4. Seeing Carly in her dance costume and performing the dance ( picture to come soon )
5. My crockpot ( an everyday Monday thing now )

1. Having the house to myself for a couple hours
2. Going to the mall to look for some more dresses for Jordan with my mom
3. Lunch with my mom
4. Finding some really cute dresses for Jordan without her with me ( only liked 1 of the 4 )
5. Tuesday night coffee talk with Nicole and Amanda

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