Friday, June 25, 2010


I want to apologize to all my readers out there for not keeping up on my GIST list. As you all know, I started school for the summer, and with that I have been extremely busy. My schedule consist of going to school M-TH from 8-12; on Monday, Wednesday, and every other Friday I have been working in my husband's office from 12:30-4:30. Everyday I have something to do and don't get home till late. I normally use my Tuesday and Thursday's to catch up on things around the house, but does not always turn out to be that way. I still go to school till 12:00 and by the time I get off and going for the day, something else comes up and there I am running around crazy till late. I have also become the new fundraiser board member for NDA Crew, and one of our biggest fundraisers is working Mud Hens games in the spring / summer. So on top of my busy school / home life, I am also spending some nights ( weekends and weekdays ) volunteering my time at Fifth Third Field. I am really enjoy my life this summer and would not change it for the world. I have opened myself up to many new different things and feel blessed everyday. I have been bad for not keeping up on my list, but after the days I normally have, 9:30 comes and the girls go to bed, I go too.
My next blog will be a general list of everything that I found grace in since my last list. It may not be in order but it will be a good one. You will see how perfect my life feels for me this summer.
It is 10:00 and way past my bed time ( my body is starting to tell me "go to bed" ) (yes on a Friday, I am still a loser )

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

GIST 152

1. First day of college ( this is a big step for me )
2. Making my family's favorite dinner
3. Being in the pool for the first time ( this season ) with all my girls and my mom
4. Getting a night out my girlfriends, even after a really busy day
5. Seeing the new Sex and the City movie ( loved it )