Thursday, December 31, 2009

GIST list

My New Year, I am going to start a GIST list on my blog. Steffany over at Sassy Times does it everyday and I just loving seeing how she enjoys the little things in life. Thank you Sassy Times for a great year of fun reading about the "grace in small things" in your life. You have inspired me to begin my year off with positive things that grace my life everyday that I really don't share like I should. Stay tuned to find out more ....

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Merry Christmas

So again here we are another year gone by and it is already Christmas time. I really enjoying this time of year. All the pretty lights, snow and colors of christmas. The one thing I do not enjoy is shopping. I feel I do a pretty good job writing things down durning the year that the family will enjoy but when Christmas eve comes, I feel like I am frogetting something or someone. It is ok, cause I am the only one that feels that way, and after the day it is all but forgotten, until of course the next christmas.
I am wishing you all a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.